Friday, January 23, 2009

Just a little bit more....

Today in class we were asked to write about anything we want so that our instructor can get a feel for our writing. I struggled for a moment with this, but then I was able to come up with...

My view of Language

What is a language? It is a mode of communication between persons. That is all it is, a median to deliver messages to one another.

Why must language be so complex? Is it not enough to simply have the other person understand your message regardless of the median you use?

Language can be a barrier to understanding, but the true barrier, in my opinion, is ignorance.

Ignorance to accepting that no median of communication is better then another.

Ignorance to breaking down all barriers to have the free flow of ideas between persons.

So is it that we just don’t understand each other because of our different languages, or do we not understand each other because we are too ignorant to try?

I pose this question to every citizen in the world - but can you all understand me ??

Keep on Understanding...

It just makes sense. I posted this on Twitter on January 21 2009. It is very simplistic as twitter only allows 140 characters. If you don't understand it or have questions about it let me know.

It is in reference to the 11 week strike held at York University in Toronto. I think it makes sense, but it is just my opinion.

York=liberal. Liberal students=new ideas against conservative ones. York=Strike. Strike=the spread of conservative ideas to students.

The 44th President of the United States

In an effort to truly capture the historic event of January 20, 2009 I have compiled my thoughts into 3 simple questions. Mr. Barrack Obama, a "child of an immigrant family can become President" and a Canadian citizen should be able to too! Thank you for having the courage and patience to give hope to a generation.

I have simple questions...

Why was the President not standing at the podium at 12:01 addressing his nation??

Why is there no print copy of the actual words that came out of the President's mouth??

Why won't the media do its job of promoting transparency in a democratic political system??

If anyone can help me understand this please feel free to reply to my post.